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- Solution structure of the tetrahymena telomeric repeat
d(t2g4)4 g-tetraplex
- Reference
Wang Y, Patel DJ (1994): "Solution
structure of the Tetrahymena telomeric repeat d(T2G4)4
G-tetraplex." Structure, 2,
1141-1156. doi: 10.1016/S0969-2126(94)00117-0.
- Abstract
- Background: Telomeres in eukaryotic organisms are
protein-DNA complexes which are essential for the
protection and replication of chromosomal termini. The
telomeric DNA of Tetrahymena consists of T2G4 repeats, and
models have been previously proposed for the intramolecular
folded structure of the d(T2G4)4 sequence based on chemical
footprinting and cross-linking data. A high-resolution
solution structure of this sequence would allow comparison
with the structures of related G-tetraplexes.
Results: The solution structure of the Na(+)-stabilized
d(T2G4)4 sequence has been determined using a combined
NMR-molecular dynamics approach. The sequence folds
intramolecularly into a right-handed G-tetraplex containing
three stacked G-tetrads connected by linker segments
consisting of a G-T-T-G lateral loop, a central T-T-G
lateral loop and a T-T segment that spans the groove
through a double chain reversal. The latter T-T
connectivity aligns adjacent G-G-G segments in parallel and
introduces a new G-tetraplex folding topology with
unprecedented combinations of strand directionalities and
groove widths, as well as guanine syn/anti distributions
along individual strands and around individual
Conclusions: The four repeat Tetrahymena and human
G-tetraplexes, which differ by a single guanine for adenine
substitution, exhibit strikingly different folding
topologies. The observed structural polymorphism
establishes that G-tetraplexes can adopt topologies which
project distinctly different groove dimensions, G-tetrad
base edges and linker segments for recognition by, and
interactions with, other nucleic acids and proteins.